Friday, December 16, 2011

Oneness Teaching..

Q.) How do we accept things? It seems to be so difficult.
SRI BHAGAVAN: "See the mind is a good businessman. What is profitable to it, it naturally does. What is not profitable it does not do. Now when you do not accept something, the first thing is, it is a fact that it is there.You cannot do anything about it. But by struggling with it, by fighting with it, you are creating a conflict.

Conflict is dissipation of energy. When energy is being lost you become unhappy; and also you become a failure. On the other hand, if you accept whatever is there, there is no conflict, which means there is no wastage of energy; the energy is still; that is - there is no movement of energy as wastage. That becomes joy and happiness; it leads way to success. If you can see this whole process, then naturally you will accept because it is profitable to you. You cannot do unprofitable things.

Somehow you are imagining that if you fight with it, it is good. Therefore you fight with it. When you observe that fighting is not profitable, the mind naturally will drop it. You must see how all the fighting is not profitable to you, then it's all over. It is very simple but because you are not used to this observation, the situation is going to be difficult.

Similarly whatever there is, if it is going to be a problem, if it is a fact, and if you see that struggling with it is going to destroy you in the end, you won't do it.There is nothing else you should do.The mind naturally will drop it. If it sees it is not profitable to it, that is what we say is 'SEEING".

You must see how all that is not profitable to you and it is all over. It is very simple but since you are not used to it, it is proving to be difficult. But once you love it, it is as easy as breathing. But until then it looks 'oh how can I do it'. It takes some time, some understanding and then of course, if it is still difficult, I am there. If you know how to ask me, I can make you actually do it".


"Each teaching is now to be understood intellectually. You have to contemplate on it, and then even meditate on it, trying to applying it. You can go up to a point, beyond that you cannot do. Beyond that the kundalini must be awakened and the chakras must be made to move faster. That the deeksha would do. That is the power supply. Once it happens these teachings would become realization.
Now last month I was focusing on seeing and accepting the totality of what is going on inside you. That is, inside a lot of things are going on: the so called good, the so called bad, the so called right, the so called wrong, the so called sacred, the so called profane. So all things are going on, and there are all of these opposites inside you. There is love. There is hate. There is fear. There is courage. There is everything going on inside, and they exist as opposites because without the opposite being created there cannot be creation. All things exist in their opposites and you contain all these things.
What you try to do is, you try to push out some things and keep the others. That is the mistake. You say this is good, that is evil. That is the problem. You say this is sacred, this is profane. That is the problem. You have to accept all that is there. You accept the most beautiful thoughts and you have to accept the most terrible thoughts because they are all happening inside of you. That is the truth".

But once you learn it, it is as easy as breathing. But, until then, it looks "Oh! How am I going to do it?” It takes some effort and understanding. Still it will be difficult but I am there! If you know how to ask me, I can make you actually do it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oneness class for Gujarat -

Q.1.)Bhagavan, in spite of all the efforts and teachings, we still find that we have not discovered unconditional love in our relationships; we are still only 'managing' the relationships. What can we do and how can we discover Unconditional love?

Bhagavan answered: "You can experience uncondional love only when you are enlightened. To experience Unconditional Love, you should be a Mukta. But till then you can discover the following kind of love.

How can you discover love in relationships? If your relationship has to be set right, the only way is: 'you should become the other'. At present you are not 'becoming' the other. You are analyzing, judging, explaining away, or blaming the other in your relationships. What you need is to BECOME the OTHER. First you should realize that you are only judging, explaining, analyzing and blaming the other and not experiencing the other. Then, you  become helpless and pray to Amma Bhagavan to 'become' the other. When you come to the higher processes, Amma and bhagavan will make you experience the other. Then you will BECOME the OTHER  in your relationships".

Q.2. In spite of doing so many things, we are still stuck with problems, Bhagavan.  How do we overcome the worldly problems, Bhagavan?

Bhagavan answers: "Your entire life is programmed in the unconscious mind. To whom you will be born, what work you will do, whom you will marry, how many children you will have - all these things are programmed in the unconscious mind. Like you have programs in your computers, the programs in the unconscious mind make your life.

You have to discover the negative program that is creating the problem. The moment you see the negative program, the negative program has no effect. All you have to do is: discover it. That is all. Then it is gone. The problem due that negative program is also gone. When you come to higher processes, Amma and Bhagavan will help you to discover these negative programs.

Q.3. How are the webcast darshans helping enlightenment, Bhagavan?

Bhagavan's Answer: "We raise your kundalini through the web cast meditation. In order to get enlightened, your kundalini has to be raised in a particular way. Your kundalini can rise when you hear the roar of a lion or when you hear the noise of an aircraft. If this is the case, then all people who visit the zoo or the airport must have got enlightened. But the thing is: the kundalini has to be raised in a particular way. If the kundalini is raised to the Anahata chakra, you get the christian enlightenment; when kundalini is raised to the Vishuddhi chakra, you get the Islam type of enlightenment; when kundalini is raised to the Aagneya chakra, you get buddhist enlightenment; and when kundalini is raised upto the Sahasrara chakra, you get the Hindu type of enlightenment.

The type of enlightenment you get depends on your various Conditioning,(family conditioning, social conditioning,  religious conditioning, etc.) what god or way you pray, the teachings you follow, etc. In oneness, we allow all ways. We do not specify any particular way. That is why it is ONENESS. We can give any type of enlightenment suitable to you.

When you come to the processes here, we raise your kundalini through powerful deekshas and give you enlightenment".

4.When will the 64000 (70,000 now) Kalki army meditate with you in the temple, Bhagavan?

Bhagavan says: "This will happen in 2012".

5. What is the Qualification for entering the 64000 army, Bhagavan?

Bhagavan said:  "In order to be a part of the 64000 army, you should have the following:

(1) You should have a very powerful antaryamin,
(2) Your horse,
(3) Your sword,
(4) You should have drunk the Divine Nectar (amrut),
(5) You must enter the Great Hall - the special place in satyaloka. You should be welcomed to the special palace in Satyaloka, the abode of all Gods, Prophets, Saints, etc. You may have entered and roamed around Satyaloka. Still you may not be allowed to enter this special, Divine Palace in Satyaloka. At the entrance of this special place, you may be welcomed inside or the gate may get closed. To qualify for the 64000 army, you should have been welcomed and entered this special place.

6. What is the purpose of the Tree Plantation Project that the Kalki Seva Trust has undertaken, Bhagavan?

BNhagavan: "This project not only helps the environment; it also helps you to grow spiritually. As per this project, you plant as many trees as possible by chanting the moola mantra and water them and take care of them everyday. You see, many of you are coming to us to solve your various external problems like finance, health, etc. Many a times, the cause of these problems is not because of negative programming in the unconscious mind. Though you may not have a negative programming, these problems may still exist because you do not have enough sat-karma to overcome these problems. Hence, by planting tress, you not only help the environment and Mother Earth, but you also get a lot of satkarma. As the trees grow, you get more and more sat-karma. The opposite is also true. If you cut trees, you get negative karma. Anything you do to help this earth, you will get plenty of sat-karma.

Eventually, I and Amma use this sat-karma to solve your financial problem or to remove an ailment in your body. That is why we have undertaken these projects.

7. Bhagavan, In the outer world, we are always surrounded by so many problems and we are unable to manage them. Can you tell us what to do and how to deal with these problems, Bhagavan?

Bhagavan: "Amma and Bhagavan will come as powerful Antaryamin and deal with these things for you and solve all your problems. But there is one major hurdle - your core relationships are not in order. If you can focus on these relationships, Amma and Bhagavan will solve these problems for you.

8. How to get close to amma bhaghavan? What makes Amma bhagavan most happy? How can we make Amma Bhagavan happy?

Amma bhagavan are most happy when you set right your relationships with your parents, spouse, children, brothers, sisters and co-workers. In order to set right your relationships, you should become the 'other'. When you set right your relationships by becoming the other, Amma Bhagavan become very powerful within you. We can do plenty of miracles everyday. Your whole day will be full of miracles. For example, in Khammam, in Amma Bhagavan temple, every day miracles are happening. Amnma Bhagavan are writing letters to devotees everyday. Padukas and Sri murtis are moving all around by themselves. For such miracles to happen in your life, 'you should become the other' in your relationships.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Teaching : Set right Your Relationship

Q.) Why does it feel so difficult to set the relationships right with one's own family. Is it Karma? Could you tell us something about family and collective Karma and what to do about it?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "This problem of relationship must be handled at three levels.At the first level you could use the teachings.Now very often we have bad relationships because we have been conditioned wrongly and we do not have certain insights.So the teaching would help you there.

For example, he teaching says: to have good relationship start with yourself, not with the other. See who you are, accept yourself as you are and love yourself as you are'. When this happens very naturally the other person would see you as you are, would accept you as you are, would love you as you are.

I will give you an example for this. Some time ago a couple came to meet us and they had very bad relationship. So the lady said, 'this man is a drunkard and I cannot live with him'. And the man said, 'she is a flirt and I cannot live with her'. That was their problem. So we told them, 'look,here we do not work on the other, we work on oneself'. So we took up the case of the flirt and we said look, 'we are not going to transform him who is a drunkard; we are going to transform you'. So what you should do is see, look into yourself as to why you are a flirt; you must see that. Having seen that accept that-'yes I am a flirt'. Accept it. Once you accept it, you will start loving yourself, 'yes I am a flirt,this is what I am'. And you fall in love with yourself. Now then this happens very naturally. We were actually working with her and she began to see that man as he is, as to why he is behaving the way he is behaving. She accepted him as he is and she loved him as he is. She did not ask that he must give up drinking. Because she accepted herself and fell in love with herself, she accepted him and loved him.  That happened to her.

The drunkard on other hand, he was looking into himself, he saw why he was drinking, that he is a drunkard, he accepted that and he fell in love with himself. Once he did that, he could also accept her as a flirt, and accept and love her also. Now we did not change the flirt into something else nor the drunkard into something else. They accepted themselves. Therefore they could accept each other. But something strange happened after that. She ceased to be a flirt and he ceased to be a drunkard. But our object was only helping them to accept themselves and love themselves. So teaching can help like that.

The other thing is in relationships we build up images.Suppose you get married you start building up images about your wife and the wife about the husband. It can happen between any two people.There after the images start relating and you stop experiencing the person. Then also relationship dies.

So in many many ways teachings can help you but that is still only the first level. Sometimes what ever you might do, the mind gets stuck. It will be playing the record again and again and again. For 20 years he will be repeating the same thing without any change. That also destroys relationship. You will say ten years ago you did this, twenty years ago you did this. The record goes on and on and on.To stop that you must give a powerful deeksha which can shift the mind into another dimension. There deeksha comes into play and helps you.

Now that also may not work always, in which case you must have to go into Karma. Karma would mean what happened at the moment of conception, what were your mother's thoughts when you were being carried in the womb. What happened in the womb and how exactly you were delivered, the first six hours after deivery and sometimes you might have to go into past lives. So at that level we can solve any problem.

So first you start applying the teaching. Next you try deeksha. With the teaching if it is solved, fine. Otherwise use deeksha. If that does not work then move on to find out Karma. For Karma, all that you must do is, you must relax well, move into the hypnogobic state, the state between waking and sleep -move into that state. Take a blessing from the SRI MURTHY and say 'Please AMMA BHAGAVAN show me where the problem is'. We will rewind the tape and we will exactly show you what went wrong where. We will pin point the problem, ie, your Karma and then we will re work it. Once we rework it, the entire thing will start off in just twenty four hours.

So that is how you have to handle the problem of relationships. Step by step, you have got to move."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Perfect Answer for How to shift Perception​s

Hi all,

Watch the video of Sri Bhagavan London talk : How to shift Perception​s -

Sri Bhagavan Says :
First thing, you got to understand all suffering is only a story. Story is what causing the suffering. So merely understanding the story is not sufficient. You must know what is the story. So you must stay with the suffering. That is the next stage. When you stay with the suffering, the suffering will tell you its own story, which will be very surprising to you. You would not have expected that.

For example, many years ago, I knew a young man who was studying at IAT. He later on became a very big scientist. IAT, as you all know, that’s cream of India. When doing his Physics there, he developed tremendous amount of lust. So, he began to do yoga, lust would not go. When he began to do many other things, lust would not come under control. This was the condition, he was. Whatever he was trying, he could not control his lust. That is affecting his academics. That was his suffering. So, when he was made to experience the suffering, first by make him stay with it, what happened was the story came out. The story was, this person hated experimental Physics. He is all in love with Theoretical Physics, but he was dead against experimental Physics. He has love for Mathematics and all the abstract concepts of Physics, that was his fascination. And he would not like to waste his time on experimental Physics. This dislike, hatred for experimental physics manifested as lust.
Whenever you are involved in some work which you do not like, which you hate, then lust becomes too much. Because then you are doing for survival sake and you always have a fear of survival. Because he knew, he might fail in experimental physics which means he will fail in his MSc, which means he might not become the scientist that he wants to be which means his survival is, becoming the great scientist that was shaken. So when survival is threatened, lust would automatically go up. There is a close link - lust, survival and security are closely linked. When that is threatened, it would automatically go up. Suppose you are playing in the share market and your shares are coming down, you would see your lust is going up. Suppose you engage in business and your business is failing, your lust will go up. Always failure, which leads to ...survival, lust will automatically go up. So, this began very very clear to him and then he had the courage to stay with the suffering and then also to experience it, so it began to reveal itself, the story. And then he knew, is this it. So what happened, he suddenly developed a love for experimental Physics. As he knew that ...ok, I will put little more effect and then he did that and then the lust disappeared, it came to normal proportions. And later on he became a world famous Scientist also.

So, the story gets revealed. That is why we talk in terms of created problem and real problem. Whenever you tell us this is our problem, we know that it is a created problem. The real problem is something else. So, how to get there? Stay with it. First understand everything is a story. In reality there can’t be any suffering. When you experience reality as it is, there is only joy, there is only bliss, there is only love, No matter what it is. But, you do not experience reality as it is because your mind is all the time interfering. And what is the mind, it is all the time judging, it is commenting. Why? Mind is a flow of thought. What is thought? Thought is measurement. It compares yesterday with today, today with tomorrow, you with somebody else, all the time it is comparing, it is measurement. Thought is an instrument to measure. Constantly measuring it is. So when you are measuring, suppose there is this vase, you must look at this vase, not measuring it, in terms of colour, size or shape. But, mind is nothing, just a flow of thought and thought is from the past and past is memory and memory is dead. So, death is flowing through you, and if you truly die to the past and to the future, psychologically if you die to them, then you will live in the present. There is great joy and bliss there. That’s what we are trying to do to you.
So, now what happens is if you are going to stay with suffering, mostly the story will be revealed. If that also does not reveal then you can move into experiencing suffering, then story will definitely be revealed and not only that, there could be a charge. Now, staying may give you the story, but it might not remove the charge. In this boys case what happened was ...staying with he became to know the story, ok I hate experimental physics and all this. But, that was not the end of the story, still there was a discomfort. So as he began to experience suffering, it became very clear to him that there was a remark by a uncle of his, who was a big professor of Physics in an American University who made...a comment, only fools would do experimental Physics. The greater your brains you would move into theoretical Physics, so there started the bias against the experimental Physics. So there is such a dislike for it. So, he experienced the suffering there and the charge went away.
So to remove the charge you have got to experience suffering. Whenever anything is re-experienced, the charge goes away. Fully you must be experiencing. Two people can not stay on the same spot, isn’t it? You have to knock down one and put the other in. Similarly what happens is, when you re-experience it that charge is removed. It is gone. When charge is gone, entire perception changes. It comes from the story or from a charge. Once perception is changed everything changes. Your experience of reality depends on your perception. If that changes, the experience changes. And the suffering is gone. But the ultimate suffering is there should be no perception at all. So this is the first level. This is like normal suffering. If you want to go to a level where experiencing as they are, then thought itself must stop. And that is possible. When you are drinking coffee, you must be drinking coffee. Why should be thinking about the cricket commentary there or the score. It should be drinking the coffee. That is when completely all suffering ends. There is nothing, but joy and love. What joy? Unconditional Joy and Unconditional love. You could be a beggar, but you have unconditional joy. This joy does not depend on whatever you are gaining or whatever you are loosing. It is just there, you could be anybody, you might be the world’s most powerful man, world’s richest man, but you will not have this joy, unless you experience reality as it is. Then unconditional love, there will be love towards the king and towards the beggar, because there is no thought. All this is possible to achieve.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Special Train-Bogies Are Arranged for Bhagavan's Darshan

Dear Friends,
Special Bogies are arranged from Pune for Sri Amma Bhagavan's Darshan.
The Darshan Will be on 21st -July-2011 and the TRain Departure will be on 20th-July-2011 Early Morning.

Limites Seats are available only.So Hurry up and take the Darshan.
You can Call on 9890996353 for booking.

Lord's Message to Become Healthy & Successful Forever

Teaching of Shri Amma Bhagvan Says : There are 6 Kosha’s for our body

Angamaya Kosha

Pranamaya Kosha

Manomaya Kosha

Gyanmaya Kosha

Ananadmaya Kosha

So whatever diseases you have is due to unstable nature of any of one of the above kosha .

Angamay Kosha: It focuses on Food, Eating Habits, Exercise.

A:  Food is very important for our health. We should take adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, Minerals & Fiber in your meal.

Your food intake should be adequate and should not be like stomach full feeling and not very less. You can take food 5-6 times in a day but in intervals and the quantity should be hand full of food.

B: Food Habits: You should not drink water 30 min before and after the meal. This comes under perfect eating habits to keep you healthy. While eating you should not speak, you should mix and chew food well so that it will mix with your saliva Also try to chew with closed mouth so that food contents should not be mixed with air while chewing.

A fast after 15 days will lead to fresh and healthy life with zero disease. You can intake lime water which neutralizes the water. You should take one liter water in one lemon without salt and sugar. You can finish this in 2 or 3 hours according to your compatibility. By doing so you body will remove the toxic of your body.

For the details of the diet you can attend oneness health course/ aerogram diksha and can have the knowledge of oneness diet too.

C: Exercise: Exercise is must for everyone and this fact is known to everyone. For strong and flexible body you should do regular exercise; in this practice you can include pranayama, yogasana, suryanamaskara, sit ups, pushups (25 times will give you best results) don’t forget for daily exercise.

Pranamaya Kosha:  Right Vaastu, Right Energy or Right Vibrations and Right livelihood come under this.

One to become successful, healthy in life these are also parameters to be considered.

South –West Direction should be sleeping place, a point here is to note is there should not be nay storage, drainage or a storing place.

North east direction: Eshanya-this direction should be crystal clean, this place indicates the shubha or a sacred things or a place. It’s a entry door for divinity, a positive vibrant come from this direction. If u have tulsi plant in this direction that’s a best place. According to Vaastu shastra we should follow these things as well to have healthy relationships, happy and successful life.’

Don’t sit exactly below the beam of a room or a house, if by mistake you happened to sit or work below the beam it will lead to a health problems or problems at your workstations too. So you can correct it now also.

Agneya (South-East):  only a underlined message for this is Never sleep in this direction, it will lead to again sleeping issues and will cause health then growth problems.

You can consult oneness guides or any Vaastu consultant this article won’t be able to cover this much of information.

Home atmosphere should very divine, clean and fresh: god will be Happy if there is neat clean fresh place or the atmosphere.

Three imp things to be considered for shree laxmi Nivasa

1: Right Sight : you should clearly feel, see you god’s murthi.

2: Right Smell : for this you can use dhoop, Incense sticks, agarbatti

3:Right Sound: divine music should play, e.g. sacred chants . avoid quarrels etc

Always do pooja or worship you god at your home, it should be part of your routine, clean the god’s photo or murthi. Try to keep it always neat and clean.

No Pooja/Prayers - No Grace J

You can start doing pooja now onwards for 57 days, as it is Devine Ammas 57th B day. You can start doing kalash pooja, daily you can chant mulmantra , make a wish and write it down in a paper and send it to Nemam with any amma bhagvan’s devotee or you can also go and visit Nemam.

Right Livelihood: We do have body clock. If we wake up early in the morning your body will automatically adapt that gives you the best result. But if you sleep late in night and don’t practice timely intake of food your body will respond negative to all your activities. This will impact health and lifestyle.

We should know the happiness is in the watching sunrise!!!

Amma Bhagvan Says: Anything you follow for 21 days your brain will tune in that way and with help of grace it maintains for your life time.

You can also try and follow this, start for 21 days your brain also tune in the same way.

Karmamaya Kosha:  If you do some seva , daana(any kind of a daan/donate : ) these will give you positive results .

If you have done any sin or any wrong thing in childhood or anything deliberately their results will give you pains or any illness.

So if you know about yourself or you are aware of your bad things try to recover it or remove it by doing some seva, like anna dana, blood donation, help to poor people , try to help a person who is in need of medical emergency any- any kind of help. Bhagvan says : you will immediately out of pain and suffering.

You will get insights of you karma in the process or while during prayers because if you have strong bond with Lord and amma they will help you in this also. Oneness university has come up with some projects for the people who all are affected by this karma maya kosha : others also can do

1: Anna daana or charity: one ritual you have to follow: fill a bag in 57 days and donate it to poor people through the oneness camp. You will donate this to the poor person.

And every day you should pray to your god that no one on this planet should sleep with empty stomach and make him so successful and capable.

2: Vruksharopan/plantation:  it is also a Seva. Specially for Global warming.

Everyone knows the cause of global warming and its effects. Ultimately it is going to harm man kind in all its possible ways. Better to start now. “Der aaye durust aaye”

Amma bhagvan’s sanklpa for this project is to plant 1 crore trees/ vruksha and for this oneness university project every one is supporting right from the individual to the government.

To inaugurate this project Mr. Abdul Kalam is also participating.

Whoever will participate in this process has to plan tree by following the three times mulmantra and then will give deeksha to the plant. And bhagvan’s sanklpa for that person is: that person will also grow as the tree is growing in his career , life and in his financial also.

And hence automatically their Karma Maya kosha will be sorted out. The lord will remove all his dosha. All his negativity and hence he will get better health.

ManoMaya Kosha: all the diseases happens due to psychosomatic. i.e it’s all mind game. You are simply thinking nonsense and you are getting that., so here mind should be stable, at its place is important.

In what way you are thinking is important here.

Bhagvan has narrated it in a very simple manner:

Human body is with 90% of water. That is 90% in your body water molecules exist. So whatever you say and the way you say the water molecules will respond you in that way. That means structure of water molecules will change.

There is variety of molecular structure of water.

Sorry but I really don’t know the name of scientist, but yes he was the german scientist: who made an experiment. When he express happiness the molecular structure beacem flowery, in anger it was dark and closed structure so accordingly there are various water. And hence it ultimately damages your health. If continuously you are in frustration, anger depression,  jealousy, comparison mood. Your water molecule will be having the same dark closes structure and will lead to poison in your body and will cause many diseases.

So you can start practicing now only. Because it is completely depend upon your thoughts and expression. Be happy Be kind J

Gyanmaya Kosha: it says a right knowledge is important: bhagvan has given an example here. There was a man. The person was from USA he is very well financially well educated very rich person in the America.

He was suffering from constipation problem, some one suggested him to drink lots of water. And hence he started drinking 8 to 10 liters of water in a day. And this caused eye sight problem. His sight has damaged completely.

Due to incorrect, improper knowledge that man has almost finish.

That why amma bhagvan says : right knowledge is also plays a important role in our life.

Ideally man of weight of 50 Kg should drink 2 and half liters of water

W : 50- 2 and half liters water

50-75 : 3 Liters

75 and above : 3 and half liters

Anada maya kosha: here bhagvan has given an example to explain this.

In japan the experiment had performed on 1400 people

Out of them 600 people were saying: yes we want to live and enjoy our life

300 people were saying : we just want to live simply because we have responsibility of others that’s it. There is no interest in our life as such

And remaining 300 people were saying. We want to die. There is no pint in living

After some days-months

The researches stated that 1400 people are very healthy, second type of category. Those 300 people are ill, with disease And third category people are really died i.e 40% of them are died and others are not doing well.

That’s why most of the doctors suggest us to play with kids this way we can relax and live tension free life. Everyone should live happy life.

If you want the permanent happiness you should get enlightenment / Jeevan Mukthi.

Bhagvan is giving four vardaan in the maha arogya deeksha

1: Antaryamin Lord and Ama

Love/ Prem


Mukti/ Enlightenment

“Man is Orphan without God”

Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Guru Poornima: Grattitude to Amma Bhagawan

Amma Bhagawan Sharanam!! Thanks for Giving be such a Great Teachings for my Life!!! Thanks A Lot My Dear Lord.........

Oneness University : Maha Arogya Deeksha in Pune

Dear Friends,
Sri Bhagwan has once again sent us his physical blessings, please make yourselves available to receive the same, as we all know, the Physical body is the means to experience enlightenment and wellness in the body is the most important aspect to it.

As Sri Bhagwan has said “Enlightenment is not a destination but a continuous journey”, so to be able to experience the higher states of consciousness, one should make a conscious efforts to set right ones health.
So all the passionate seekers of enlightenment come and partake in the event mentioned below:

Event               : Maha Arogya Deeksha by pujya nivednaji
Venue              : Mhatoba Mandir, Besides BSNL Office, Near Shivaji putla, Bhelke Nagar, Kothrud
Day & Date     : Sunday - 17th Jul 2011
Time                : 14:00hrs to 19:00hrs
All participants will receive Sri Bhagwan’s specially blessed TIRTH

·         All participants who happen to possess PADUKAS are requested to bring them for the process·         For any assistance  call: 9764794842, 9881787856